Jowanda6 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading

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Jowanda6 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Portimão

Chat with Jowanda6 - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Portimão online. 15-20 years of experience in Tarot Reading. I inherited my spiritual power & knowledge of Tarot from my Spirit Guide and pray to my Holy Gaurdian AngeI for my expertise. I have changed the lives of my clients and they are leading healthy, wealthy and happy lives. My Spirit Guide King Balam and I will give you honest answers. There isn't any dilemma too overwhelming for us to solve. Often times during our travels on this life's path we find ourselves at the door of the crossroads wondering what to do, where to go and what lies ahead. There are some things that one cannot disclose to close family and friends. That is why King Balam and I are available to help you navigate through your difficult life changes. I work with roots, herbs and pulse-energies. Usually after our session, I'll recommend a cleansing baths to remove obstacles out of your life. Cleansing baths, jinx removing, and uncrossing work can handle just about any situation you will come across. Sometimes we can cross ourselves (conjure term) up through talking too much and to the wrong people. If you've jinxed yourself through the above mentioned, any spiritual work that you've set out to do for yourself or another will not last. If you want your life to be to be successful, you'll have to perform plenty of self cleansings. I'll assist you with long distance purifications and banishings. I work with the Saints and La Santa Meurte to bless your life and increase your prosperity. When I petition them for conjure work, I'll use vigil candles for the spell and will tell you to use them also. The Saints I may recommend for you are San Simon, Saint Expedite, Saint Martha the Dominator, Saint Ramon, Saint Jude, and Saint Anthony. It doesn’t matter what you need be it a new lover, healed marriage, revenge, jinx removing, or money- when one is in need, there will be a Saint that will be happy to assist you with your problems. Saints appreciate offerings for their influences in your life For difficult cases, I may ask you to visit the crossroads or graveyard to increase your chances for success in your matter. It is a place where two roads cross one another that's all. The crossroads will be a place that I will ask you to throw away your ritual debris like candle glass, wax, and bath water from your rituals. Also, you can leave your ritual offering there for specific saints to receive with love and thanksgiving. Visiting the crossroads will help you gain better skills for a new job, etc. For example, if one wishes to be a hairstylists, then bring a blow dryer or comb to the crossroads and ask the spirit of the crossroads to infuse his knowledge, skills, and abilities, to advance in the above mentioned area.Visiting the crossroads for assistance is an international phenomenon. I have several people in my family who were also root workers, or conjure workers that used hoodoo magic. I enjoy helping people solve their problems. I'm anxious to work and give my knowledge to those in need. I've always helped people using divine insight from the spirit realm. My most common method of divination are astrology, Tarot cards, Angel oracle cards, playing cards, and a scrying mirror. I'll read signs in candle wax also, which is why you'll see a free-standing candle on my altar. I will not curse people or jinx them for you. Blessings! We are all energy and love. I have found my life's purpose which is to assist and help guide souls in this amazing lifetime of ours. Since I was 14, I realized that I was an empath, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and a medium. These gifts have been passed down through the men and women in my family for generations. My connection to people's energy has played an important factor in helping me make decisions. I've prayed many prayers to God to help those who are in need. I've been known to relieve other's spiritual pain, mental pain, reduce anxiety, depression and confusion. That was my calling into the ministry. I am an ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church. Since my ordination into the ministry, it was revealed that I am an ancient divine spiritual being who has reincarnated many times. I have lived so many lives in many different worlds, during many different geological timeline eras. I understand this world is not my original habitation. I was chosen and sent here to heal your different astral bodies. I work diligently to mend your broken and damaged trust and at the same time lead your soul's evolution through past life readings. As a Universal Life ordained minister, I am constantly learning about who I should become in this incarnation. I am a student whose third eye is open. I repeat mantras to access to my higher self and the divine daily. Allow me to help you in discovering and unlocking your potential. I only see and speak the truth and not the false. I am always evolving! Do you want to to develop your existing psychic talents, or discover new intuitive talents? I can help you begin your psychic journey. It is quite easy. Tapping into our psychic powers can be practiced and improved. A good way to begin is to become more aware of your environment using all of your natural senses. Document all of your observations in your waking life and dream life. Remain open too new revelations. Remember you must relax and keep a positive attitude. With this simple notion in mind, one will begin to observe the natural cycles and rythms that unfold in his life and other's lives. Meditate every day using a white candle and recite affirmations. I recommend reciting Psalms 23 Don't forget to physically clean and throw out old or broken objects. As a long term reader for over 18 years, I often keep my energy field protected and raise up my vibrations. One should practice good psychic energy defense because people are psychic vampires and entities are attracted to one's light. When one's psychic skills are fully developed, he or she will began to recognize the effects of energy vampirisim. Examples of energy attacks are headaches, depression and fatigue to name a few. Ground yourself in activities such as television, hanging out with friends, listening to music, and reading. Remember, tapping in to one's latent psychic abilities can increase the quality of life. In summary, are you not sure about how to approach a relationship issue with challenges? Maybe you have worries about employment? My goal is to help you understand your human experience. As an honest reader, I will not tell you what you want to hear. It is my hope this will not be painful but if so I will guide you through the lesson. Let's remember that it isn't the destination we should focus on, just find joy in the journey. One must realize that someone else's destiny path may be different from what you want.

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