1CWisdom4U - Lenomard Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Portimão
Talk to 1CWisdom4U - Lenomard Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Portimão now. 20-25 years of experience in Tarot Reading. I was born with many Natural Amazing Gifts I receive visions and can See, Tell, and Smell into the Spirit World. I was born with an awesome Amazing Widows Peak. And was born with a strong Indian Heritage I enjoy the study of behavior patterns, I have been helping people for over 20 years. My specialty is in several different areas such as Energy for the body and soul, also Energy in crystals and Candles, and how affective they can be in manifesting a positive balance of well being. I also am an expert in tarot cards of all kinds. I do character readings and channel spirits who have passed and can deliver messages, ( in several cases ) i have seen the spirits and can describe their features and what they are wearing, and how they passed. I have been teaching classes in many different areas such as - Tea leaf readings, Tarot card readings, Energy of all kinds, Cleansing negative energy from your self-your home- and your work place- Cleansing negative attachments. Balancing your Chakras to your mind, body, and spirit, Manifesting prosperity & love, Energy healing,Crystal healing, Also the spiritual & magical powers of crystals, Protecting your self from negative energy, Opening your spiritual channels for success and fulfillment. Awakening instincts, ( Inner coach & Outer power ). The hidden meaning of dreams and what they mean to you. I do some Astrology, I can show you how to do Meditation & The Discovering of who you really are, I can show you by Manifesting in using essential oils and incense, you can improve Your self and Your surroundings. When helping with Behavioral Patterns i can tell you ~ Why people say the things that they say ~ and Why they do the things that they do ~ and Why they act the way they act. Here are some of the Tools that i use ~ Tarot Cards ~ Crystals ~ Candles ~ Oils ~ Stones ~ Healing Crystals ~ Incense ~ Sage ~ Egyptian Items ~ Singing Bowl ~ Crystal Wind Chimes ~ Holy Water. The tarot cards that i read from are Pictorial Key - Archangel Oracle - Gilded - Fenestra - Archangel Raphael Healing - And the original Tarot Deck. But my personal favorite are the Gilded Reverie. I also read pictures, ( In some cases i see guides - and or linked spirits in the photos ).
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